Band of Brands
In 2014, Newcastle showed the world the Big Game ad we would've made if we had the money to make one.
The following year, we wanted to be part of the Big Game conversation,
but still didn’t have $4.5 million dollars for airtime.
So we took a cue from the sharing economy that’s made Uber, Airbnb and Kickstarter so popular,
asking 20-30 other brands like ours to chip in for airtime with us, and then cramming them all into one ad.
We essentially sold ad space in our ad. We called it The Band of Brands.
We launched with a call for entries featuring Aubrey Plaza.
We built anticipation with Aubrey as the game approached...
And voila!
36 brands not-so-artfully packed into one Big Game ad.
CD: Scott Bell
AD: Dan Kenneally
Integrated Gold
Cyber Silver
Cyber Bronze x2
Film Silver
Film Bronze
PR Bronze
Innovative Media Yellow
Integrated Silver
One Show
Short Form Silver
60-second Silver
Social Media Silver
Branded Content Bronze
Social Award
Seasonal Gold
David vs. Goliath Gold
Alcoholic Beverages Gold
Creativity's #3 Ad of 2015
Washington Post 10 Best Super Bowl Ads